What Happened to My Data?

Another risk to address is failing to protect branch offices or telecommuters. “Out of sight, out of mind,” doesn’t exactly fare too well in the corporate arena. When businesses are subject to compliance or regulatory standards, they must ensure that all company endpoints are protected in an appropriate fashion. When there is a centralized IT support staff, they can often overlook users that are not primarily in the office, as in the case of salespeople for example.
10 Years in Business!

As the company continues to expand, so has its solution set. Customers who had positive experiences working with JEI Tech drove their expansion by asking them to maintain more of their key technology components. At this point, JEI Tech has a team of IT experts, which can cover the full suite of IT needs for virtually any organization. Some of their solutions include:
• Cloud Computing
• Server Monitoring & Management
• Computer Monitoring & Management
• Data Backup & Disaster Recovery
• Networking
• Email Exchange
• Internet Access with Security Controls