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23rd Annual Technology Assurance Group (TAG) Convention

Received an exclusive invitation to attend and share valuable insight at the 23rd Annual Technology Assurance Group (TAG) Convention. The highly anticipated event is scheduled to take place in Las Vegas from April 29 to May 1, 2024, bringing together top industry experts specializing in cloud-based technologies, cybersecurity, voice, IT, and video surveillance/access control solutions. JEI Tech ‘s selection stems from its distinguished reputation as a thought leader in the industry, its deep understanding of exceeding customer expectations

Trends of AI: Webinar Recap

JEI is excited to share a recap of our recent webinar focused on demystifying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs). In just 30 minutes, attendees gained invaluable insights into the transformative potential of AI and dispelled common misconceptions surrounding this revolutionary technology.

JEI Tech Hosts Webinar: Trends of AI & Their Impact on the Workplace

This upcoming webinar is focused on delving into the five pivotal trends shaping the AI landscape and is also aimed at dispelling common misconceptions surrounding this revolutionary technology. In an age of unprecedented uncertainty, AI will empower businesses and individuals alike to navigate the complexity of the digital age with confidence, providing clarity and insights where there once was ambiguity.

The Road Beyond Cybersecurity: A Recap of Our 4-Part Series

The series challenged the conventional cybersecurity paradigm, drawing parallels to a car driving down the road with employees inside, alluding to the security features necessary to help employees stay on the road. We covered topics ranging from password management solutions, exfiltration and phishing protection, to the importance of cloud-based file solutions and third-party backups.

What to do after a cyberbreach

Stressed man overlooking computer

What to do after a cyberbreach? Halloween has come and gone, but we have a truly petrifying tale to tell. It involves every business that collects customer data and honestly, it could happen to you. A cyber breach is nobody’s idea of a fun day at the office, but what do you do if it […]

Leading Expert in Cyber Security Secures SMB Networks

The first threat facing organizations is phishing. Phishing is essentially, using fake links to lure users into offering up sensitive information, by posing as an authority. Hackers can embed malicious links into emails, attachments or images, which usually lead to another page that requests the sensitive information, which will later be used against the user. One of the most creative ways hackers have found to attack SMBs is to call in and impersonate IT staff or Network Administrators, asking for specific information off the employee’s computer to resolve a potential “virus.” The employee will usually comply and supply the information, giving the hacker the exact keys they need to infiltrate the system.

What Happened to My Data?

backup corrupt

Another risk to address is failing to protect branch offices or telecommuters. “Out of sight, out of mind,” doesn’t exactly fare too well in the corporate arena. When businesses are subject to compliance or regulatory standards, they must ensure that all company endpoints are protected in an appropriate fashion. When there is a centralized IT support staff, they can often overlook users that are not primarily in the office, as in the case of salespeople for example.